Saturday, January 9, 2010

I with past 2010

Posted by Dymna John at 12:12 AM
1. had my heart broken
2. broke someone else’s heart
3. had a stalker
4. went over the minutes on your cell phone
5. had a good relationship with someone
6. lost faith in love
7. painted a picture
8. wrote a lot of poem
9. posted a blog
10. listened to music i couldn’t stand
11. went to a sleepover
12. went camping
13. threw a surprise party
14. laughed till i cried
15. lost something/someone important to me

In 2010 I…
1. broke a promise
2. cried over a broken heart
3. hid a secret
4. pretended to be happy
5. slept under the stars
6. kept my new years resolution
7. forgot my new years resolution (recently)
8. changed my outlook on life
9. sat home all day doing nothing
10. sick again
11. given up something important to me
12. learned something new about myself
13. tried something i normally wouldn’t try and liked it
14. made a change in my life
15. found out who my true friends were
16. met great people
17. stayed up til sunrise
18. cried over the silliest thing
19. spent most of my money on shopping
20. became closer with a lot of people

it's only january and a half...there is 20 things i've done so far

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