Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Enough Is Enough

Posted by Dymna John at 3:53 PM 0 comments
I imagine the following question showed up on a final exam at school:
I will be completely happy as soon as____________________. How would you answer that one?
"As soon as I have a high-paying job?"
"As soon as I am famous?"
"As soon as I physically perfect?"
"As soon as I fall in love with someone who loves me back?"
"As soon as I can get out of my hometown and live somewhere cool?"
Now, here's another question for you:
What if your answer to the question above never comes? Do you think you would be plagued by discontent if the blank up there remains blank? If your answer is YES, please consider this.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

50 Question

Posted by Dymna John at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Answer it!!!

1. Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with?
My boyfriend.

2. Where was the last place you went?

3. If you could be with your first love, would you?
Nope! Let bygones be bygones (-_-)

5. Who was your first crush????
Some thing I call Mr.'E'

6. What was the last thing you highlighted?
Never highlight my hair

7. Who is the last baby that you held?
Gosh! That was some times ago… don’t remember.

8. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
Jerome and Jude *lol*

9. Are you ticklish?
Yup mmmmm…

10. Have you ever worn a crown?
Does plastic ones with colourful fake baubles count. hehehe

11. Last time you saw fireworks?
During CNY this year.

12. Who is the last person you hugged?
Didn't remember but I hug pillow every nite *grin*

13. Do you have a black dog?
Yes. But already die cos tua

14. Do you have a little black dress?
I sure do!

15. What are you wearing right now?
White t-shirt n dark pants strip with pink.

16. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My boyfriend Mr.W.

17. Do you like coffee?
Not really...

18. Are you missing someone?
Hmmmm… nope, maybe yes, nope, yes (home of cos)

19. Reason behind why you last cried?
Cannot answer for my finance paper

20. How much cash do you have on you?
After the makan-makan trip at Lego, RM 6.80. Am a poor girl I am…

25. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
Ages since I used film. But in those days, just one roll of 12 or 24 film was enough.

26. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret?
I don’t have a regret I’d trade a million bucks to change right now. So show me the $$$$$!

27. What's on your mind right now?
Wondering whether it’ll rain heavily again today.

28. Do you have a deep dark secret?

29. Do you wish you were with someone right now?
Am happy in front of my pc right now :-)

30. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had?
Hottest? Hmmm I don’t have crushes on teachers. But memorable one was Mrs. Flavia, Mrs. Fiona, Miss Voo, Mr. ABO, Mr. Aziz and Mrs. Surayti (all my form 6 teacher)

31. What was the last thing you ever got grounded for?
Was never really grounded. Warned perhaps :-)

32. What was your childhood nickname?
None. Just my short name *go figure!*

33. Do you have any strange phobias?

34. Have you ever played naked twister?

36. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
I slept like a log then and now *hah!*

38. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
As much as I dislike a person, won’t wish such fate.

39. Do you crack your knuckles?

40. What's one thing that can always be found in your refrigerator?

41. What color are your bed sheets?
Greenny with a big dot.

42. How many kids do you plan on having?
If I ever… well 2-3 is ideal to me.

43. What did you do today?
Check emails in my inbox, read newspaper… and want to sleep.

44. How would you like to die?
Peacefully, ideally with no pain involve *grin*

45. Have you ever been in love?
Why yes.

46. When is the last time you went out of the state (province)?
Never before.

49. Do you judge people?
Try not to.

50. Generally, in life, what makes you happy?
Being at peace with people around me… friends… movies… books… shopping!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm a Disney Fan =D

Posted by Dymna John at 6:50 PM 0 comments
All through my childhood, the magical characters in Disney had sparked the creative imagination in me. Even now, I could still hum or sing some of the songs the Disney Princesses sang in the cartoon version.

My Top 15 Favourite Disney Cartoon Character of all times are;
1) Princess Snow White (charming princess)
2) Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
3) Cinderella
4) Alice (Alice in WonderLand)
5) Princess Ariel (Little Mermaid)
6) Princess Jasmine (Aladdin)
7) Pinocchio
8) Mickey Mouse
9) Donald Duck
10) Winnie the Pooh
11) Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
12) Pocahontas
13) The Incredibles
14) Nemo (Finding Nemo)
15) Simba (The Lion King)

What about you? I’d like to know your Top 5 Favourite Disney Characters at least, and see how many matches with the characters I love. Hope to read your feedback in my comment box ya.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Meaning of life, did we know our mission?

Posted by Dymna John at 8:58 PM 0 comments
As we been reach the half year of 2009, as now everything that I've been planned was done well. Come for my study, I can say that it's going smoothly. There so many things that we as a student/ college student should do in our life. From now on, give time more on study, forget/ less our time doing things through internet, chatting and as well as lazy going to lecture class.
What was the real thing or stuff that we do in our life? (as a student of cos) Did we really reach what we want to do? or did we use to listen our parents advice?
I'm becoming a future teacher, so there was so many thing running in my mind...can I make my future student an excellent or the worse persons...(oh no....that's my real mission someday)

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