Thursday, June 9, 2011

Future Me

Posted by Dymna John at 8:06 PM

I've been sitting for a while...thinking about my future about 5 to 10 years ahead from now...what should I be for that time. Then comes the pops of ideas how about I write a letter for myself and open it up again after 5 or 10 years hahaha....great idea.
So the letter a like this>

Dear future me,

'Hi, I'm you, I hope you are doing well in your work now. I wonder what you are going through at this point in your life, but I sure hope the life we're currently living is all that you dream and imagined it to be. Important question; are you finally happy? did you finally run that half marathon in life? do you now have your own house with pretty window view? have you FINALLY met the man of your dreams? or have you resorted to getting the lecture dreams? Dreams and aspirations aside, I honestly hope you have moved on far from where we are now. But I do knows that I want to remind you somethings you may have forgotten: >Remember getting your heart broken by your 1st love thinking you'll never recover? Remember the many milky stones you went on to achieve just so that you can prove you'll bounce back much better than before?
>Remember the exhilaration and liberation of getting your 1st car with your own hard-earned money+dad

>Well, I don't know if we have a family now with amazingly cute babies or if you're still enjoying the single life.
I do know that no matter where you are now, you would have remained me to yourself. I hope you'll never forget who you are and the values you hold that make you who you are. Mostly, I hope you will keep on laughing inhibited, give unsparingly and love unconditionally. Remember to cherish the day that you have.

Your Past Me,


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