Saturday, November 7, 2009

Love in the Air

Posted by Dymna John at 12:00 AM

If I'll make my eyes blind,
Can you hear my honest heart?
If you close your ear,
Can you see the sincerity of my heart?
If love is blind,
Can you alter the feelings?
If I cry,
Can you describe it?
I love you not as the shadows of my eyes,
Can be describe in words,
It's really a deep meaning,
I love you not because on purpose,
It's not what you think,
It's in my heart,
Because love really in my heart just for you.

I got this idea on the 07/11/09 at 12.06am, thinking about my man...really missing him so much and this poem just for him (LOVE>>>LOVE>>>LOVE>>>)

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